By Amanda Mao
I have been working from home for about five years. With what is going on in the world, many things become our new normal, including working from home.
Below I compiled a small working-from-home list, which I find helpful after trial and error. Hope it can help you in some ways!
1. Have a designated place for work.
It doesn’t matter if it’s a separate room or a favourite corner at your home. You are only there for work, and you prepare your mind for that. Resist the temptation to use this space for something else. Understandably, your computer is multi-functional, and you may well want to use it to watch a movie when you are not working. Watch TV instead. Or take your computer to a “leisure zone” and watch there.
2. Schedule clearly for each working day.
For me, in the mornings I do writing and translation projects for clients; and in the afternoons, I also do business development and accounting, such as writing a blog (like what I’m doing right now), working on my LinkedIn profile, or reading articles/books for professional development. You can even break your tasks by the hour if it’s more efficient this way.
3. When working, turn off your social media and email notifications.
This is to minimise distraction. Work uninterrupted for some time before taking a rest, when you can check your social media and emails. During the break, don’t forget to stretch, too!
4. Set a time to exercise.
Here in Victoria Australia, the stage 3 restrictions are in place. Luckily, we are still allowed to go out to exercise, which is life-saving for the body as well as for the mind.
Bonus point: Some people find it helpful to dress in a formal suit working from home as if they were still going to the office. I can work efficiently whether I wear a pyjama or a formal dress. But try it – it may work for you.
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