25 March 2020
Dr Amanda Mao appointed to the Victorian Government’s Multicultural Business Ministerial Council
It is with great honour that Dr Amanda Mao, AMC’s Founder & Managing Director, is appointed to the Victorian Government’s Multicultural Business Ministerial Council (MBMC). The appointment was announced via an official letter by The Hon Adem Somyurek MP, Minister for Small Business & Minister for Local Government.
The inaugural meeting was held online, unusual due to the current COVID-19 pandemic situation, but very productive. Together with the Chair and the fellow Council Members, Dr Mao hopes to utilise her unique background, experience and skills to facilitate interactions between the Victorian Government and the States’ multicultural small business community.
About the MBMC
The MBMC was established to provide a consultative forum to the Minister for Small Business on issues affecting the multicultural business sector and help Victoria be the best state to do business. The MBMC’s role is to bring their experience and skills as representatives of Victoria’s multicultural small business community to a consultative forum that helps government understand the benefits and challenges across cultures in small business. — From the Victorian Government website